G & M Murphy Learning Ltd
G & M Murphy Learning Ltd
Education Consultants
Education Consultants
Education Consultants
Experienced and successful school leaders we can assist with all aspects of school leadership with a strong focus on developing 21st Century Learning approaches.National and international presenter and published author we can help inspire staff to develop relevant and innovative approaches in the classroom. We can help with coaching and change management,advise on use of new technology and all aspects of school design,assess quality and rigour of policies and lead on the effective use of data across the school.
We currently work across Merseyside,Manchester and in the East Midlands with all phases.
We have worked with over 400 schools
We can offer Thinking Matters training to schools in the North West.
Become a Thinking School
Become a Thinking School
We are now working in collaboration with Thinking Matters Ltd
We are now working in collaboration with Thinking Matters Ltd
Ged has been fully trained as a Thinking Matters consultant and we now have 11 Merseyside Primary schools who have begun the Thinking Matters approach. The focus is on developing the independent metacognitive learners of the future. Over two years all members of the school community benefit from 5 full days of training, using high quality materials based around the latest research. Through a common language of learning the school develops a core pedagogy founded on the cognitive sciences emphasising how we learn, the importance of the emotions and learning, motivation, attitudes to self and school,building a positive mindset, improving teacher questioning and feedback, tackling disadvantage and underperformance, developing memory, extending vocabulary. The focus is on "future proofing" our children to meet the challenges of global exponential change - the rapid growth of technology and AI - building analytical,critical thinking and creative skills.
Tom Wagner of Harvard's Change Leadership Group says -- "In order to motivate and teach this generation, the school system must be reinvented to be accountable for what matters most. That means to do the work – teaching, learning, and assessing – in new ways."
The current Ofsted Inspection Framework now focuses on may of the aspects referred to above. Moving away from the "Tyranny of Metric" where judgements largely focused on outcomes. There is now an emphasis on a well planned, accessible,sequenced,connected and challenging curriculum -implemented by a clearly understood pedagogy underpinned by an understanding of the importance of cognitive science, metacognition and the need to build positive pupil attitudes and extend learning vocabulary.
The Thinking Matters approach provides a well constructed and evidence based approach that is made bespoke to the context of the school. A staff Drive Team are trained to build good practice across the whole school and the consultant is always available to provide support and challenge.
We believe - and early evidence supports the view - that this can be a game changer for schools as it helps to shape a culture of questioning,continuous improvement and an evidence based approach to make learning engaging,relevant and fun, whilst developing the key skills of our children and preparing them for the challenges to come.
The following schools have already started the journey:
Sacred Heart Primary Liverpool
Windmill Hill Primary Halton
Weston Primary Halton
St John's Catholic Juniors,Wirral
Holy Cross Catholic Primary St Helen's
Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Primary,Sefton
St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary,Sefton
St Philip's CE Primary, Sefton
Ainsdale St John's CE Primary,Sefton
Linacre Primary Bootle, Sefton
St Marie's Catholic Primary,Standish
To become part of this exciting opportunity contact us on.
murphygm52@gmail.com or ring 07803031415
Ged & Mary
To become part of this exciting opportunity contact us on.
murphygm52@gmail.com or ring 07803031415
Ged & Mary

We hope you can find everything you need. G&M Murphy Learning Ltd is focused on providing high-quality service and customer satisfaction - we will do everything we can to meet your expectations.
With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy working with us. Look around our website and if you have any comments or questions, please feel free to contact us.
We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. There's much more to come!